

So, what does it mean to be rich?

While Gelt Guide is all about discovering the wealthiest you, it’s not just about the size of your bank account.

It’s also about having a wealth of values, enjoying a richness of life, and the wisdom to use the abundance Hashem gives us for good.

It's not unusual for someone who earns a decent amount of money to voice their dissatisfaction with the prices charged...
Say your teenage son approaches you and explains that he wants to invest his bar mitzvah gift money. He waxes...
It may not be “yeshivish” but I hang the Stars and Stripes on legal holidays. The Gedolim were/are very thankful...
Parents play a significant role in setting the paths upon which children will tend to follow, including their attitudes and...
Instead of happiness, mindlessly amassing and spending wealth can have negative emotional effects, setting off a cycle of unfulfilled desire...
Many people are clueless about dealing with rich people, especially as it regard to fundraising from them. Gabbayai tzedakah to...
Lending money to family members can get very uncomfortable. Between dancing amidst hurt feelings and worries about repayment, or lack...
Seminary discussions tend to bring up very strong feelings. Indeed, rarely does a Shabbos meal spent with our extended family...
While Mrs. Shifra Sharfman cooked and cooked, her husband searched and searched. For the perfect esrog, that is. Shifra kept...
The current COVID crisis is on everybody’s mind right now. With a safe vaccine still far off in the future...
Life is good, with little frill, and he’s mostly OK with that—until he hears the hock in shul about someone...
With the bittersweet reality that he needed to start chasing a parnassah dawning upon him, Yaakov Thumim was quite unhappy....

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